Alexandrie la divine

“Alexandrie la Divine” underlines the invaluable importance of preserving our universal cultural heritage.

Project year: 2013-2014

The undertaking represented an effort in which the Carène Foundation, the Foundation Gandur pour l’Art, the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Florence) and the Foundation Martin Bodmer joined forces to enable treasures and photographs to reveal the fascinating destiny of Alexandria. It resulted in a major exhibition in the Foundation Martin Bodmer in Geneva in 2014.


During the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire, for close to one thousand years, Alexandria was an unequalled center for culture and education. With hindsight, it can be said that this city represented the basis for the globalization of knowledge and beliefs. 


« Alexandrie la Divine » serves as a proper example of how knowledge is passed on; it underlines the invaluable importance of the preservation of our universal cultural heritage.


Photography plays an important role in this project, with almost 400 illustrations, including 360 photographs taken by Frédéric Moeri of some of the most important manuscripts in the history of Alexandria, but also of other major archaeological sites in Egypt, as well as in Israel-Palestine, Turkey, Greece, Italy, India, etc.


The board of the Carène Foundation approved a contribution representing all expenses linked to the photographic content of both the exhibition and the book.



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Fondation Carène
c/o Zufferey Panigas Fiduciaire
Place du Scex 11
1951 Sion